Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grade 8 Celebration

Hi Everyone,
On June 23, 2010, our grade 8 students will be honored with the annual NMS’ Luau Celebration. This is a celebration of their growth, friendships and experiences of the past 3 years. The students will be taking part in activities both at Killarney Lake and on the school premises (BBQ and Luau dance and games).

(Please note: This is a theme based event and NOT a formal).

We are in need of parent volunteers who would be interested in helping with:
1. The BBQ, we will need everything ready to be served at 11:00 am. Therefore, we will have to meet at 9:30 am to begin preparation and cooking.
2. Decorating for the dance (afternoon), we will be decorating while the students are at Killarney Lake.
3. Helping with activities at the dance. The dance will be from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm. Volunteers should be at the school by 5:30 pm – 5:45 pm.
4. Donating food items for the evening activities
5. Clean up immediately after the dance at 8:30 pm.

We would like to invite anyone in our NMS community that may have a talent to share, or who just want to help out and have some fun to contact us. Our grade eights are moving on, let’s help them sail off with some great memories.

Remember…….. the more volunteers we have, the more fun the kids will have. If interested, please contact:

Mary Martin Janice MacFarlane Cindy Chase
cmjmarti@nb.sympatico.ca jmacfarlane1@rogers.com dcrahm@nbnet.nb.ca

Thank you in advance and Aloha,
Friends of NMS Co-Chars, Janice, Mary and Cindy

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sports Awards Help needed

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note regarding an upcoming event that we have been asked to assist with: The Sports Awards. We will be meeting on June 11, 2010 at 10:00 am to decorate the theatre and prepare a light lunch. If anyone is available to help out with these activities could you please either let one of us know at your earliest convenience or contact the school office (453-5436).

Thanks for your continued support.
Friends of NMS Co-Chairs
Cindy Chase Mary Martin Janice MacFarlane