Friday, January 30, 2009

New Initiatives for our Friends

Hello Everyone,

As one of the first initiatives of the New Year utilizing the Fruit and Vegetable Grant, we will be serving up a fruit dish on Monday February 2, 2009. We would love to have anyone available in the daytime to come out and help us feed the close to 800 students at NMS. If you are available, please let one of us know and we will meet at 8:30 Monday morning by the office.

On Thursday February the 5th the school will be holding a Valentine's Dance. To give the kids a bit of variety and make this more festive, the school thought it would be fun to hold a Bake Sale. We would appreciate any (nut-free) donations from parents. Money raised will go toward the school's antibullying program.

Finally, the week of Feb.9-13,2009 is Teacher Appreciation Week. Last year we did up a lunch for the teachers which they greatly appreciated. We would like to do something similar this year on Tuesday, February the 10th. If any of you could help us accomplish this by sending in chili, soup, stew, salad, fruit trays, samosas , Muffins, yogurt etc, we would be very grateful. If you are interested and able, just let any of the Friends' Co- Chairs know.

Thank you in advance for any help you can offer with these events,
Mary Rowe
Vicky Patterson
Mary Leo Dick
Co-Chairs of The Friends of NMS

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